The echo is often tangled structures that can be seen with tumors or other diseases. Below is an overview of normal cardiac structures that can be seen as abnormal.
"Abnormal" structures
Left atrium
- Coumadin ridge, ridge between LPV and LAA
- Atrial suture line after heart transplant
turned LAA
- Atrial septal aneurysm
- Lipomatous hypertrophy, atrial septum
- Twisted descending aorta
Right atrium
- Crista terminalis (ridge between VCI and VCS)
- Congenital valve remnants (Eustachian valve, Chiari network, Band Thebesius)
- Trabecula in RAA
- Atrial suture line after heart transplantation
- Catheters, lines, PM-wires
Left ventricular
- Papillary muscles
- False tendon
- Prominent trabecula
- High intentity transient spots in art valve(s)
Right ventricle
- Moderator Band
- Papillary muscles
- Catheter, PM-wires
Aortic valve
- Nodules on Arantius
- Lambl's excrescences
- Redundant chorda
- Myxomateus valve tissue
- Epicardial fat
- Fibrinous debris in chronic pericardial effusion
J.P.M. Hamer, 'Cardiale massa's' in "Praktische echcardiografie", (2006), 1e druk 2e oplage, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten, p.205-206.